We provide aviation training, but we do not guarantee 100% placement. If you are medically unfit due to factors such as eyesight, weight, height, color blindness, visible tattoos, or dental issues, and you still wish to pursue the course for knowledge acquisition, please note that we are not responsible. We only offer knowledge related to this industry and do not guarantee job placement.

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  • Select Courses
  • Ground Staff Services
  • BBA in Aviation Management
  • Certificate Course in Aviation & Hospitality Management

Triya Air Hostess Academy Privacy Policy

Triya Air Hostess Academy, an organisation incorporated under the Companies Act 1956, including its divisions and units, subsidiary companies, partners and associates (hereinafter collectively called as “Triya Air Hostess Academy”) is dedicated to safeguarding your privacy online. Triya Air Hostess Academy has crafted this Privacy Policy so as to exhibit our firm commitment towards your privacy.

This privacy policy document is made with the intent of outlining our corporate policies and practices related to Information gathering, dissemination and protection. By using this Website, you agree to the terms of the Triya Air Hostess Academy Privacy Policy outlined below.

What information do we accumulate?

Triya does not ask for any information related to you other than the information that you choose to submit to us on your own wish.

How we make use of your information?

The information provided by you to us shall be used wisely by Triya, its subsidiary companies, partners and associates, divisions and units to devise better business decisions towards our mutual benefit, prop up the activities you choose to fit into place, and offer higher quality solutions and services to you. We ensure that we do not sell, share, or rent this information, for purpose of commercial use, to any person or organization.

they may establish contact with you through phone or send you direct email. At any time you may decide to withdraw your consent to use the information provided by you by writing an email to us in this regard.

National Do Not Call Registry Regulation Airborne will not be held responsible for any (National Do Not Call or NDNC) Registry regulation that comes into action. You hereby make sure to agree and provide your express assent to Triya that even if you are registered under NDNC, DND (Do Not Disturb), Airborne will have the valid authority and your unconditional consent to call you regarding Airborne’s products and services till the time you rescind your consent in writing expressively.

Use of Cookies

Cookies are nothing other than the small files which various web sites transfer to your hard disk.